Can President Solih replace Speaker Nasheed as the “Spiritual Leader” of MDP?


President Solih with Speaker Nasheed. Photo by: Indian Express Website

It is undeniable that President Solih is the binding force of the ruling MDP led coalition government, but has somehow failed to establish his absolute control over MDP’s functioning as it’s “most senior leader”. On the other hand, Speaker Nasheed seems to have emerged as the only man when it comes to taking policy level decisions within the party, an area of Solih’s interests. It’s been days since anti-MDP opponents is debating whether Speaker Nasheed can be replaced by President Solih as the “real leader” of the ruling MDP. With equally interesting ease, the coalition allies, Jumhooree Party, MRM led by Former President Mr. Gayyoom and the religious Adhaalath Party too has endorsed President Solih’s leadership over Speaker Nasheed when it comes MDP’s stand in important matters within the coalition. However, till date President Solih refuses to be engaged in the controversial topic though the debate goes on.

Indeed, there are reasons why this debate is important. President Solih is extremely busy to meet the deadlines of his manifesto and should not be burdened with the extra pressure of running a large party like MDP. Even before President Solih took oath of office, his best friend Nasheed had lost the technique of keeping sustainable bonds with political allies and leading a coalition. Furthermore, Speaker Nasheed is no longer decisive as he was known to be. Therefore, MDP definitely needs a more dynamic leader than Nasheed to prove itself as a father for a coalition of different political ideologies to keep the Solih administration on its toes.

But can President Solih be a choice in this line of debate? Two reasons can be cited for those who believe that's possible. One, the esteemed leader has proved that he has the stature to lead a coalition government in Maldivian political history. Apart from Speaker Nasheed, he is among those few leaders within MDP who has vast political experience, having decades of parliamentary experience and seen enough politics to claim that space. If the MDP led coalition government is running smoothly today, credit should be given solely to Solih – as he was the engineer of the diverse coalition. Two, as a prominent politician, Solih has friends in every party. He is one of the few most wired politicians known in the island nation across party lines.  He can pick up the phone and talk to any leader in the country any time and is on first-name basis of MDP with all of them. This is a plus point for President Solih when it comes to the debate of replacing Nasheed’s influence within the party.

Today, the MDP with its super majority at parliament has unimaginable power in Maldivian politics to discredit opposition parties. Even the main opposition PPM is aware that it is impossible to match the MDP on this front, but to put up a good fight, one needs sizeable resources, which currently only President Solih can organize. But in a controversial topic like this, counter-arguments should also be poured into the glass. Equally strong reasons can be articulated for why President Solih is not the right person to lead the MDP. First, his credibility is unchallenged, but his eminence is suspected. Second, ideologically, he is not very solid compared to Speaker Nasheed. Solih, in true sense, believes in mutualism in politics. For the sake of unity, he is willing to make any compromise without checking or assessing the political waves he might face due to a certain stand. The biggest fact is seen during 2018, where he was seen more than happy to take the support of the Jumhooree Party to secure the seat of Presidency despite his party grassroot members applying serious allegations against tycoon Qasim for almost non-stop 7 years. Third, it is a fact that Solih is a big name within MDP but he has a limited appeal among the masses. He derives his power from being the longtime wise leader in Maldivian politics. He takes lot of pride in being called a leader of unity. Though, he managed to lure only a few leaders like Abdulla Shahid from MDP, he still lacks the support of the majority of the powerful grassroot leaders within the party machineries.

Naseed succeeded in 2008 because he was the only choice left in order to transform a change in the governance of the nation, but today he has failed to comprehend the new political realities and the totally new concept of mutual power sharing in local politics. Maldives has changed a lot since Nasheed was personally on the frontline of politics. It is true that Speaker Nasheed, with his unmatchable charisma, has turned MDP into a game changer in local politics. To challenge his leadership, the MDP needs a solid leader who is not new to Nasheed’s power politics. The leader who can challenge Nasheed requires a new sketch with a brand-new icon. Hence, it is evident that Speaker Nasheed’s supremacy in MDP can only be challenged by a wise opponent like President Solih who understands the Plan B of the “spiritual leader”. In an era when the political battle is more ideological than nearly ever before, the MDP needs a leader like Solih who has the courage of his political conviction.



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